Tuesday, 1 January 2013

To Be or Not…

To Be or Not…
To be an ‘I don’t care’ personality or to be professional is the millennial probe that tickles the techie and pro-techie generation. It alerts men and women hailing from East, Middle-East or West. Professionalism, if connected to profession, is a sort of narrowing the area. Being generation of megalomaniacs, the new generation, in which I feel myself to be a part, not only with age but also with mindset, cannot understand those narrow casting. When I came back after dis-cum-re-orientation, the class which, I like best by virtue of its locale alienated me with the aura of unfamiliarity. Literally, I was baffled like a man who is watching his bride in a wedding dress. The familiar faces on the unfamiliar garb! In a half jocular manner, I told my student that I am very much pleased to be a teacher, in return, to my “B.Tech appearance” classroom of humanities, and added, the professional kind of dress could be the reflection of professional kind of attitude. Normally, I would stop it there, and keep the unsaid for them to fill if feel like, to create theirown meanings rather than be confined in myown. More than artistically putting things, more than selfishly keeping the intellectual property, the two aims guarded my action from behind:
1.    I don’t wish (which I strive to balance without shattering, but spills at times unknowingly)  to be an advice machine if not it is sought, generally.
2.    If I say everything, as a teacher, I was afraid, becoming bad by restricting their progress.
I don’t feel these guardians as the protectors of less responsible actions, though superficially, they would be perceived as in the way the kid in the lower primary class teachers’ hand book yelled, “ If I could not understand the way you talk to me, why can’t you talk to me the way, I can grasp easily.” The students in the field of higher education cannot be equated with the students of lower primary class. Who else will recognize this if not me, the teacher? So I prescribed, though not always, sounds and furies, since my students moved from the generation of Shakespeare who caught it as ’signifying nothing’, and reached at least near Faulkner, who offered a question for the examination: “what is the significance of the title, Sound and Fury?”, which can gain no credit if answered ‘signifying nothing’. But this time, I selfishly felt to be understood, contrary to the earlier revelations. I explained professionalism for the students in the light of the article, I read from Faulty Focus, without providing a hyperlink. Perhaps they may think of it as putting my old wine of punctuality, tolerance, optimism, commitment, reliability, integrity, staying work focused, supporting and respecting others ideas, listening properly, time management  and  self upgrading, as a decorated novel paradigm. But I did not reiterate the Old Testament, instead, provided our own wishes we regularly postpone, whether a teacher or student. We would often be confused with the notions of sacrifice with professionalism, which we need to demarcate to keep a balance to make ourselves feel that we are above exploitation.
Earlier professionalism has been recognized to be a profession-add on programme. But in the current scenario its relevance has heightened as it is no more a ‘profession’ and ‘al’ but a way of being, living and becoming. If by simply answering a mail, or by smiling at the face of an  acquaintance, or patting the shoulder of the small scale victories of your friend and listening, to the low tone music comes with the breeze which cannot be recognized if the parameters of the tempests shaking the buildings, you will be  surely benefited, by the feeling of increased reputation, dignity, contentment and finally self reliance. This can be best induced when you are the students, because the student is a free citizen than any other professional, that the student realizes when he/she is no more a student.

The author of this post, as V.S. Naipaul ‘remarkably’ commented in the link of yesterday’s post, is a sensitive, sentimental, emotional woman, on which she is  proud and not ashamed of , and  tried to use “ecriture feminine” to uphold the inscription.

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