Best Time!!
Sharp at 4.45 unfolds the pandemonium, a sitcom with
the comrade of tide, waits for no man. The mathematics of life begins from the
kitchen. The quantity in kilograms, liters, numbers, and the amateur ratios and
units, raw and ripe spins over the head, and proclaims tyranny and revolt from
the pressure cookers, onto the two gas burners, showing a sportsman spirit in
the competitive whistling. The kitchen music revolves with the oozing of the
fire bands, and the crackers often spill a fantabulous spill over the brims of
the oven. The mixer drives, the grated coconut to a whirlpool of ecstasy, and
melts the solid, with the sensuous touch. The drums of the cutting pan, enjoys
the tuck-tuck of the knife, along with the knots of onion, with silent ghazals
of melancholy. The snooze and sneeze with mustard and masala add spice to the
whole event, followed by a whirlwind, a fast number of the shaft in the bottle
of curd. The chil-chil of salt and sugar, played the music of food of love, and
the sugar crystals marrying hot, moves to the in-laws where the shapes and
sizes of the past ends for the new fusion. The wet and dry combinations
displaced again and again with the pipe play on, play on. The whole poem, faster
than slow, yet slower than f/past with all the visual, dominating yellow and
white, with borders of green and red, auditory, muffled thuds and flute
melodies, and the umpteen numbers of notes of varied pitch in between, tactile
burns and wounds, the surge of air resulting from the olfactory sensations, or
awakening of the spirit with the fresh brewed coffee, and finally the gustatory
images aroused out of the feelings invoked in the reader of the composition. The
reviews latest or later and the trial and error game of learning by doing, all
complex equations by hearted with subtleties might eventually move to x or y
axis . But the time machine, being a machine fails to respect the troubled
panorama and the clock hands rush to reach the destiny of the circle of eternity.
The narrow treads of water with adhesion adjusts the pace of the actor, thus
the quickness baths in liters, brisk pace. Then the fluid rival, ordinarily
rides with panting, along with the helpless super wo(man) strives, to seek, to
get into the time-engine, not to allow
the next door neighbor to the next seat neighbor to conquer the personal space,
on the wingless chariot of time. The other tactile calculator reminds, late,
two minutes, reduce the call length, it is 7.30: thus the relationships caught
in the spider web of time, words numbers, laughs counted, chats reduced,
because it is time. The busy door keeper checks the speed, “slow slow, be fast,
fast, fast, fast, fast.” Then the paper, bribes the connoisseur of time to
return the passenger’s time; the conductor, supposed to conduct the whole
concert , imitates the music of the check-bird-“ down fast, fast, fast, fast”.
Sleep alarms my portion pending, awakening show-causes my portion yet to be.
Passion rests, dating indolence, emptying the bottle of last drop of blood, ebbs,
telling at your disposal. 8.40, this is the time to be free, in the midst of
the bustling crowd, relax, on your feet, because the equation is unequal, so no
rest space. 9.10, a visual feast of time attacks space and space retorts. Location-bus
door. The sound of music comes to a new end in beginning. Thus the beginning
begins with the end of end game, where the balance sheet tallies- no profit,
loss nil. In time, on time, time over.
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